Armada components.
Using Armada, you also have access to various armadized services that can help you take
full advantage of Armada good practices. Here is a list of all Armada repositories:
Core Armada.
- armada - Main Armada repository. It contains Armada agent & Armada command line interface.
- vagrant - It is used to build vagrant image that contains preinstalled Armada platform.
- armada-website - Main Armada website and documentation.
- example - Very simple service that can be used to test various Armada features, written using node.js.
- example-python - As above, written using Python.
- example-php - As above, written using PHP.
- example-multi - Demonstrates ability to register multiple services in Armada catalog from single container.
Service configuration.
- courier - Service for deploying configuration for Armada services independently from the image of the service.
Service discovery.
- magellan - Service for configuring load-balancers to redirect net traffic to microservices that run in the Armada cluster.
- armada-bind - It can be used to connect armada services with non-armada ones.
Using magellan + main-haproxy is a recommended way for service discovery via DNS addresses on Armada platform.
Armadized 3rd party services.
- dockyard - Docker registry - a place to store your docker container images. It is accompanied by nginx server which allows adding authentication layer and connection encryption with SSL.
- main-haproxy - HAProxy. It can be used to redirect and load balance your HTTP traffic.
- mysql - MySQL server accompanied with phpMyAdmin interface configured to access it.
- redis - Redis server, possible to run in single instance or master-slave setup.